About Products

What product do you have and the purpose they are?

How far for remote control?

Is the robot dog able to climb the stairs?

What is maximum Speed for the robot dog?

Is robot dog support dustproof and water proof?

What is maximum payload for the robot dog?

What sensor can add on the Top of the robot dog?

Is robot dog support 4G/5G and GPS?

What is the voltage and current of external power for Go1 Edu?

 What is the camera on robot dog?

 Is that Go1 Edu support any format of the navigation API? What is the difference for Go1 Edu, AlienGo and B1 for this SDK/API support?

Purchasing Questions

Can I cancel my order?

What if I receive a product and want to return it?

What payment methods can be used to purchase a robot?


What should I do if you cannot operate the robot after receiving it?

Does the robot have a warranty?

 What should I do if I receive a defective or damaged item?